
Local Information

Local Information

We've put together a list of hospitality resources for friends and family who may be unfamiliar with the area. Feel free to explore all that our community has to offer below.

Local Florists

There are also numerous florists in surrounding towns that deliver to Snow Hill. Most commonly from the towns and cities of Kinston, Farmville, LaGrange, Ayden, and Goldsboro.

Greene County Florist
115 NW Third Street
Snow Hill, NC 28580
Phone: (252) 747-3519

Little Shop of Flowers
Greene Street
Snow Hill, NC 28580
Phone: (252) 747-5773

Local Hotels

Benjamin W. Best Inn
2029 Mewborn Church Road
Snow Hill, NC 28580
Phone: (252) 747-5054
Phone: (866) 633-0229

Taylor-Tyson Funeral Service | (252) 747-3675
117 NW Third Street, Snow Hill, NC 28580

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Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants & TA

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